Attention: Students should seek approval of appropriate district or college officials before enrolling for University of Massachusetts Global Credits to satisfy any degree, state credential, or local school district requirements. State licensing departments vary regarding their criteria for credit acceptance.
Note: Required text not included.
This course is has been developed to help all school related personal learn the secrets of presenting information in a powerful and directed fashion. You will learn the skills that will help you deliver a persuasive and interesting lecture to your students, teaching staff, administrators or board of education. This class will help your presentations become more emotional, novel, interesting, and memorable. Teachers may also use the information in their course to help students master the art of public and persuasive speaking which will serve them well throughout their lives from the early school years and far beyond.
This course is appropriate for both general education and special education teachers of students in grades K-12 and is worth 3 graduate level professional development credits through University of Massachusetts Global.
ISBN: 978-1-2-250-04112-8
This course is based on the text:
Talk Like Ted: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of The World's Top Minds.
Author: Carmine Gallo
Learning credits
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