Advancing Learning through Video Games- EDDU 9815

7 modules


Carolyn Catalano

24 Jun 2023

$350.00 USD


Using a Solutions-Based Approach, we will walk teachers through assessing if, when, how, and where to incorporate digital-game-based-learning (DGBL&T) in the classroom. The book utilized in the class, Using Video Games in the Classroom by Shliakhovhuk and Spashchenko is for “anyone in a formal and informal education setting who is interested in using video games in the classroom. Or in other words, anyone currently stressed out trying to teach and educate with educational methods and tools that they’ve never tried before”. Educators will also research current literature about the effectiveness of DGBL&T and find their own professional learning communities to support their continued growth.

This course is appropriate for both general education and special education teachers of students in grades K-12 and is worth 3 Graduate-Level Credits.

Note: Course purchase includes completion certificate. Required text not included.

Book: Using Video Games in the Classroom. Challenges and Solutions: All You Need to Know to Start Using Video Games in Your Classroom by Shliakhovhuk and Spashchenko

Click book to order. 

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Course Objectives:

In this course, participants will have opportunity to:

  • Course Objectives:

    In this course, participants will have opportunity:

    * To use a solution-based approach to explore what further information and tools needed to incorporate DGBL&T in their classroom

    * To understand current research literature in regard to the use of DGBL&T

    * To create lesson plans surrounding DGBL&T

    * To find and participate in professional learning communities that support further growth

Assignment 1: Introduce yourself to the instructor
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Assignment 2: Reflection and Reading Time
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.assignment') }}
Assignment 3: Independent Research
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.assignment') }}
Assignment 4: Find Your Tribe
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.assignment') }}
Assignment 5: Let's Explore
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.assignment') }}
Assignment 6: Implement what you learned.
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.assignment') }}
Assignment 7: Reflection
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.assignment') }}
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